Many things can affect the colour of your teeth. However, you don't have to get self-conscious about your smile. It takes less effort to get your teeth whitened than to hide them. At Grant Dental Centre, we help people to enjoy a brighter and lighter smile. Schedule your appointment today for teeth whitening services in Winnipeg!

The causes for your tooth discolouration fall under two main categories. They are:
1. Intrinsic stains: These stains are within the inner structure of your tooth, which is known as dentin. So, it may be a little difficult to remove. However, we are here for you.
2. Extrinsic stains: These stains occur on the surface of the tooth, which is called enamel. Although enamel is the hardest material found in your body, it is susceptible to stains. Fortunately, it is pretty easy to remove or to correct those stains.

Almost everyone likes to have a brighter, distinctive smile that’s hard to miss. But having your teeth whitened is not as simple as it seems because bleached teeth very often lose their brightness over time. So, you end up scheduling your dental appointment time after time. However, that won’t be the case when you choose our whitening kit. The salient features of your services include:
Please note that you need to schedule an appointment so that we can see whether you’re the right candidate for the ‘take your kit home.’